Blood sugar spiked to 26mmol/L (468mg/dl) for a short time. Should I take any action?

So I was out drinking last night with my friends and got pretty wasted. When we went to my friends place I took my blood sugar and it was 26mmol/L. I got pretty concerned and ate some rye bread and took a larger than normal dose of Novorapid. Within 30 minutes my blood sugar was already at 16, and around and hour after that (after I found my way home) it was at 7. Now, that's a very rapid drop so at that point I ate some more rye bread and a sugary yoghurt (didn't inject at all at this point) and kept monitoring my blood sugar for a while after that. 1 hour later my blood sugar had stayed at 7 and I went to bed. Now it's the following morning and my levels are completely normal again.

The blood sugar wasn't that high for any more than 1 hour at most because I consumed all those sugary shots in a very short period of time but should I still be concerned? I am gonna drink more water than usual today just to be safe, but do I need to do anything else? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I was just diagnosed a bit over a month ago so this is all new to me. Thanks.