Really nervous about my Kidney function, suddenly dropped to borderline early kidney disease

I look after myself pretty well. diabetes is controlled well, I don't smoke, stay active as I can, but I recently found out my kidney gfr has dropped from 78 to 66, >60 is considered early kidney disease.

I don't know why but this has really rattled me. I'm 38 and if this was happening in my 60's then fine, but I am so worried that this is the start of a decline.

My blood pressure has always been creeping up to the cutoff for treatment 140/80 - Cholesterol too. I eat LCHF, and don't currently take a statin.

I guess I was wondering what other people on this sub did in similar situations, is this part of a downward slide or just part of the wear and tear on a T1's body regardless of HBA1C. Can I avoid anything getting worse?

I've asked for a conversation with my GP about a statin, probably Lisinopril. But what else can I do - I pretty much do everything else I'm supposed to do. I really thought that being a good diabetic would avoid this type of thing, it's making me revisit all of the bad territory mentally that I did when I first got diagnosed.