Just learned our toddler has type 1. Would love some advice on how to adjust.

We're currently at John's Hopkins. The last 12 hours have been a real rollercoaster.

Our 18 month old got real sick a few weeks ago, something flu-like. Just didn't get better. In and out of the local hospital twice week before last. They never did any blood work or tests, thinking it was just a bug, advising liquids (first sign he was unquenchably thirsty) and advising rest. The doctors didn't pick up on the lethargy, lack of appetite, discoloration, all just the "bug going around". Finally had enough of our PCP and local ER not actually helping anything and went to a pediatrician, who had us en route to a children's ER within an hour where he showed 593 and that kitoacidosis thing going on, who then set up transport to Johns Hopkins after getting it down to ~350.

Currently both really mad about the hospital for ignoring the signs and at the same time happy we have an answer to why he's been so unwell.

For those of you with young children who have T1... what are some words of wisdom on how to adjust at home? Things to look out for beyond what they'll tell us once he's stable? New territory for us and we're pretty terrified.

Currently waiting outside while they put in an a-line for all the tests he'll need over the weekend.

Sorry for the bluntness of it all. Random desperate vent/rant/plead from a scared parent.

Edit: on mobile, not sure how to set flair.