Dear Diabetes,

I wouldn’t wish you on my worst enemy. I wouldn’t put the pain, the suffering, the carb counting, the endless amounts of shots, and pricks to the finger on anyone.

Some days i wonder, “why me?” But then i think, “I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else.” I know people get diagnosed with diabetes every day, and I wish I could let every single person know that it WILL be okay. That it doesn’t haven’t to define you, or change you, or make you feel worse about yourself.

I wouldn’t put the financial burden on anyone else, I wouldn’t put the shitty “low” days on anyone else, and i sure as hell wouldn’t put the “high” days on anyone. It sucks. It sucks to go through every single day KNOWING there isn’t a cure for it, yet. It sucks waking up some days with that perfect 80 blood sugar, but waking up another day to a 588 blood sugar. It sucks always having to make sure you have the right amount of insulin for every little thing that you eat or drink.

I know that now, they have a lot of different technology to help us diabetics, a lot of ways to make it easier on us, but some days, that’s just not enough. Some days I wanna feel like a “regular” person. Some days I just wanna remember what it felt like before i was diagnosed and was able to eat what i wanted, drink what i wanted, stay at someone’s house without them being scared something would happen to me in my sleep. I wish I didn’t have to worry about kidney problems, thyroid problems, blindness, and the countless other things that come with not taking care of yourself. Just for ONE day, i would like to not be a diabetic....

I know this post is all over the place, because i have a TON on my mind. I just needed to rant to get it off my mind for a bit. To explain how i’m feeling right now, in this moment. I’ve [22F] been a diabetic for 14 years. It never gets easier, but I know that i’ll be OKAY. It sucks not having anyone around me who is a diabetic and understand how it feels to have those bad days, so thank you to this subreddit for listening to how i’m feeling..