Just a reminder, be an advocate for your own health care.

And don’t let doctors blame everything on your lack of natural ability to control blood sugar. I’m on my way to my wife’s hometown to honor the life of my wife’s aunt, who passed away last Wednesday from septic shock.

She was a T2, just like me. She started complaining of abdominal pain 6 months ago. The doctors blamed it on diabetes and her relatively poor control and didn’t test further.

Finally on Friday she needed to be admitted to the hospital and was discovered to have a gall bladder infection, cardiac infection, bronchitis, sepsis, and failing kidneys. She could not recover from that and finally gave way Wednesday morning after several failed attempts at dialysis and after being placed in a medically induced coma.

They now think that the initial infection was a gall bladder infection that later spread. A gall bladder infection that should have been caught and corrected when she first complained about it last year.