So I am newly diagnosed within the last 2 weeks, however my mother has had what I believe is T2 for a few years now. I myself am not on insulin but she is. During a phone conversation the other day, I asked her how she manages her BG. She said that she was about 104 in the mornings and then takes 3 doses of insulin a intervals throughout the day. I asked if she measures BG before she doses and she said, no the doctor just told her to take those 3 doses. I told her I didn't think that was right and she could go low on sugar if she doses while already in a normal range. Ironically later that night, she started feeling really hot and sweating profusely. She checked her BG and was at 55. Ate some sweets and recovered ok though. She called and told her doctor this and he said to adjust the 3rd dose of the day down... still didn't tell her to check BG beforehand. Is this ever normal for a doctor to try to manage dosing this way?
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