Becoming a Certified Diabetes Specialist as a T1D

I feel as if I have heard this concept floating around reddit before, but has anyone heard of becoming a CDS because of experience with diabetes?

I'm a social worker looking to add some letters next to my B.A. Since I've been t1d for 2 years now, I've done extensive research on the topic and my a1c is very good (choosing not to share it bc everyone's a1c is their a1c, shouldn't be compared). Might as well get paid a little more for having all this extra experience and knowledge, right? Itll benefit the population I work with. Even though it is behavioral mental health, people still have co-occuring diseases, diabetes being one of the top physical ones.

Does anyone know of a diabetic (type 1 or 2) who has gotten the certification bc of experience? Do you still need to come up with the hours of "working with a diabetic"? Is the practice test worth it? ($50). The final exam is $350. Finally, how difficult is the exam? I appreciate your help!!!!

I love my community.