Newish diabetic(T1) question about "honeymoon" phase.

Got diagnosed with type 1 about 7 months ago and I'm in my mid 20s

I've been on 4 - 5 injections a day, 3-4 rapid(meals) 1 long lasting. However about 3 weeks ago I started going low consistantly so I dropped my dose and I'm currently on 0 long lasting and 1-2 rapid injections a day and my average levels have been 5.5mmol (100ish I think, I'm canadian). Before these last few weeks I've struggled to keep my Ac1 around 7%.

I workout consistently and have a rather healthy diet but that hasn't changed in the last 3 weeks.

*Basically my question Is this the "honeymoon" phase I was told may happen? * is there any advise related to this.