Scary moving

My boyfriend is a type 1 diabetic, he goes low sometimes and I’ve always been able to see the signs that it’s coming. And if I miss the signs, and find him drenched and barely awake I am usually always able to give him juice and get his sugar up, yesterday he went low and I didn’t realize because he had been saying how exhausted he is from us moving the last few days so he wouldn’t get up from bed he just kept saying no and rolling over to which I got annoyed and went to the living room and it wasn’t until 20 minutes later I sprang up thinking, he is low!! So I ran back to find him drenched, and he wouldn’t stay awake, barely conscious, I was able to get one glass of juice in him before but he couldn’t speak, and he would glare at me and put his hands up to say no to the juice and then fall back asleep, I knew I wouldn’t be able to help him here so I called 911 and the amazing paramedics got there in 11 minutes and got an IV started and he was at 1.6, they were so kind to him and made him feel way better and I’m so thankful for them, and for my boyfriend. I’m just sharing this as a place to vent it out as it’s left me feeling like I should have done more, or known when he was being moody that it wasn’t him and that he was low, I can’t help but always feel bad when I don’t notice the signs. Thanks for reading!