Byram is reminding me why we all hate Byram....

To be fair, I never really had major issues before beyond them lying to me about what my insurance would cover when my doctor and I made the choice to change from every other day site changes to daily (spoiler alert, my insurance doesn't care, they'll cover whatever my doctor prescribes).

However, the process of getting a new pump now that UHC reversed their prior exclusive contract with MM has been nothing short of a test of my patience. I started the process on July 1st. It's now 3 weeks later and NONE of the delays I have experienced have been the fault of my doctor (they always respond almost instantly to any faxes for more information or signatures)... it's all Byram being basically incompetent and dragging their feet.

First, they told me my order was ready to ship last Monday without EVER asking me anything about infusion sets. I know better, so I asked, and not shockingly what they had chosen for me was not anything I'd have ever used (wrong cannula/tubing lengths). They also had the wrong site change interval (I blame my doctor for that one) but we got that straightened out pretty quickly, even though Byram had sat on it for a week before even contacting me (I know this because my doctor gave me copies of the faxes they had sent- the first went out on the 6th, the second fixing the incorrect RX went out the same day it was requested on the 13th). I then very clearly told the rep I have been working with that I wanted Autosoft 90's. Supposedly my order "shipped" early last week, and when I emailed my rep yesterday to find out where the heck it was, because I'd gotten no tracking number or anything else other than the "your order is ready to ship" email/texts, I got an "oh we forgot to actually ship your order, we'll overnight it".

Package arrives this morning... and contains Autosoft XC's, which I HATE. I asked why I got those when I specifically asked for the 90's and I was told by my rep the XC's were an "upgrade" to the 90's and she thought I would prefer those. On WHAT PLANET does that even make sense? Many of us have product preferences for a REASON, you don't just swap one site for another because you think the customer is wrong somehow and doesn't really want what they clearly asked for.. WTF. So now I have to deal with exchanging them even though I was VERY CLEAR on what I asked for, I wasn't ambiguous at all, and they either can't pay attention to details or just don't care.

But wait, that's not all! The receipt in the box says that my new t:slim is backordered. Um what? They've had my order for three weeks now, so this really shouldn't be an issue since they drag their feet at every possible opportunity - I would think they had AMPLE time to get my new pump and have it ready to ship. Why overnight me a package with the WRONG infusion sets and no pump?? So I email again asking about that and the response from my rep is "sorry I just found out this morning that they're on backorder and I assumed your order had shipped complete". They haven't given me an ETA for the pump.