Hi so, Diabetes was on the horizon for me for a few years.. then winter 2020 hit, and I had a nasty back injury that sidelined me for about two months and slowed me down, and then once I felt like that was behind me, COVID hit.. and then a few months into that, my last checkup had my Blood Sugar sky high, so my diagnosis was official.
Now, since that happened, and since I started Metformin and Slow acting insulin, I've noticed a lot of very significant changes.
- hot spot eczema on my hands has vanished.
- Acne has gone down dramatically
- a lower calorie diet with MyFitnessPal and a virtual banishment of all white starches and any sweets, has resulted in me losing about 30 lbs since early May
- Most significantly, my Asthma has improved to the point where I have gone weeks without even control medication.
- Also I used to get winded walking up this long hill to work every day, now I can do the hill no problem.
I'm just wondering what the connection between blood sugar and some of these things are. especially Asthma. I cant really find any direct correlation.
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