Is diabetes outside of the honeymoon period much harder to manage?


Right now I'm still in the honeymoon phase, and it's honestly driving me crazy, but I'm managing my blood sugar really well right now without stressing about it too much.

So is managing diabetes gonna be much harder when my honeymoon period comes to and end? Or is all that changes, really just the numbers, so the amount of insulin I take and my insulin to carb ratio and my correction factor etc. etc.

Does it also have an effect on working out? Right now I like to take a longer walk or go workout after larger meals with more carbs so I can take a bit less insulin and don't feel as bad about all the calories I just ate. Will my drop sugar drop more or less during a workout after the honeymoon period or is that just gonna stay exactly the same?

What did you have you change? How was your experience with it after it ended? Any advice would be great & much appreciated!

Thank you.